Avant-Garde and the End of the World / Avantgarda in konec sveta
Mednarodna umetniško-znanstvena konferenca
Avantgarda in konec sveta
10. in 12. oktober 2024 v Novi Gorici
Današnji čas je zaznamovan s terorjem in grozo, izraženih prek kaotičnih in destruktivnih podob, ki predvidevajo mnogotere različice apokaliptičnega dogodka. Konec sveta se kaže kot vsesplošno uničenje v obliki vojne, ultimativne ekstrakcije in ekocida ter časovnim in prostorskim koncem človeške zgodovine.
Osrednja tema konference Avantgarda in konec sveta je volja do (so)ustvarjanju radikalne vizije sveta. Namen dogodka je ustvariti platformo za razpravo o vlogi literature, umetnosti in aktivizma pri soočanju s sodobnimi izzivi ter raziskati, kako lahko avantgarda prispeva k razumevanju, oblikovanju in preoblikovanju sveta v kontekstu apokalipse. Z osredotočenjem na krizo domišljije glede ustvarjanja boljših različic prihodnosti, dogodek povezuje pretekle in sedanje umetniške prakse ter revolucionarne projekte, ki ciljajo na možnost razvoja novih optimalnih projekcij, relevantnih za današnji čas.
Konferenca bo obeležila stoletnico prve konstruktivistične razstave Avgusta Černigoja.
Publikacija ob konferenci (pdf v angleškem jeziku, integralna inačica).
Publikacija ob konferenci (pdf v angleškem jeziku, inačica za mobilne telefone).
In today’s world, we bear witness to violence, devastation, and terror, conveyed through chaotic and destructive imagery that anticipates many versions of an apocalyptic event. The narrative of the apocalypse stands as one of the oldest archetypes in the Western culture, fostering diverse ideas and images about utopian or dystopian futures. However, the end of the world is a much more immediate experience – many worlds are constantly ending or have already ended through ongoing imperialisms and colonialisms.
By growing insensitive to comprehend “the end” we seem to be encountering troubles with navigating through the myriad of mutually conditioned, interwoven crises that affect our daily lives. Thus, it becomes imperative to recollect and revisit the historical initiatives, concepts and actions that sought to critically contemplate the world before its end, and more crucially – to transform it. While the 20th century was marked by numerous endings and failures, characterized by perpetual wartime instability and the nuclear threat, the avant-garde viewed the idea of an end as an opening for transformation or radical turn. Even today, the avant-garde still acts as an open and active project focused on (re)imagining a new vision of the world and articulating alternative societal structures, emphasizing not only the moment of disruption, but also the significance of participatory, engaged and relational practices.
By considering the aesthetic, political, intellectual, and cultural contributions of the avant-garde, the conference will seek to address questions such as: What are the meanings of “the end” in the context of avant-garde? What roles can avant-garde play in facing contemporary crises? What insights can be gained from the artistic practices and collective actions of avant-garde groups from disparate corners of the world? Can avant-garde practices help in envisioning an end to the neoliberal, capitalistic world and the injustices perpetuated by its ideological, political and economic structures? How do avant-garde strategies teach us to build futures to fight for, and imaginaries to move towards?
The Avant-Garde and the End of the World conference aims to (re)ignite the will for (co)creating a radical vision of the new world by discussing the role of avant-garde art, literature, and activism in facing the present struggles. Through connecting the past and contemporary artistic practices and revolutionary projects aimed at fostering “optimal projections,” we will explore the types of worlds that the avant-garde seeks to preserve or envision, as well as those it endeavors to dismantle.
The international scientific conference, accompanied by an artistic programme, commemorates the centenary of The First constructivist exhibition by the avant-garde artist Avgust Černigoj. His work made a key contribution to the understanding of socially engaged art and overcoming the boundary between life and art in the context of the European avant-garde.